Welcome to Blind to Visionaries Trust

Blind to Visionaries Trust, is a dedicated organization working towards the betterment of the blind and visually impaired community.

Our mission is to provide equal opportunities, support, and resources to help visually impaired individuals lead independent and fulfilling lives. B2V believes that visual impairment should not be a barrier to success or limit one's potential. We firmly believe that the blind has much more capabilities than we think. If guided properly, blind and visually impaired students can do wonders and can become contributing members of society.

Here are some of the services we offer:

• Motivating the Blind and Visually Impaired:

'Only the bearer knows where the shoe pinches.' I, myself, being a blind person understands that depression is one of the most prevalent problems faced by blind and visually impaired persons. Any organization’s first task is to motivate the affected persons and the entire family.

• Mobility Training:

Mobility training for the blind is a specialized training program that teaches visually impaired individuals how to navigate in their environment safely and independently. This training is critical to helping the blind lead independent and fulfilling lives.

• Educating the Blind:

Our main aim is to provide STEM education to blind students so that they can become engineers and technocrats. Educating the Blind and Visually Impaired involves using specialized teaching techniques to ensure those visually impaired individuals have access to the same educational opportunities as the sighted. We, at Blind to Visionaries Trust, create screen-readable books especially in science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, accounts, and economics for classes ranging from class 6 to 12. We provide accessible education to visually impaired students, including Screen Readable books, tactile devices, and audio-based learning materials.

• Assistive technology:

We provide and teach the use of various assistive technologies that can help visually impaired individuals navigate their daily lives independently.

• Employment:

We offer job training programs and job placement services to help visually impaired individuals achieve economic independence.

• Support groups: We organize support groups for the blind and visually impaired community, where individuals can connect, share their experiences, and support each other.

• Awareness campaigns: We conduct awareness campaigns to sensitize the general public about the challenges visually impaired individuals face and how they can contribute to creating a more inclusive society.

We, at Blind to Visionaries Trust, invite you to join us in our efforts to positively impact the lives of visually impaired individuals. If you want to volunteer, donate, or learn more about our organization, please explore our website or contact us directly.

Thank you for visiting our website. We appreciate your interest and support.

Dr. T. K. Bansal
A Blind Professor of Physics,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.

End of the Home page.