NCERT Class 9 Mathematics Textbook for Blind and Visually Impaired Students made Screen Readable by Professor T K bansal.

This lesson is planned, organized and described by Dr. T K Bansal on September 20, 2023 for visually impaired students . All efforts have been made to make the lesson fully accessible and by providing headings, and tables. The lesson has been so designed that the students should enjoy reading this lesson and should move forward without any hurdles. The lesson has been thoroughly checked for any mistakes, still if you find any mistakes or have any suggestions to make it better, please write to us at ‘ ‘. Your efforts will be highly appreciated.

Table of symbols used in this chapter:

Symbol Known As Used For Description
^ Carrot Raise to power Upside arrow
× Times Multiplication Normal Cross sign used for multiplication
Minus Subtraction a Small horizontal line like - sign
π Pi Symbol used for 22/7 Greek letter pi that looks like hindi letter g.
Not equal to Not equal to Equal to sign having slash sign cutting it.